Friday, August 31, 2007

Chapel Day

I just had to show off our handsome Chapel Boy! This is actually from Wednesday, and I am just now getting to the posting part.

When I was putting Reid's tie on that morning, he said to me: "Wow!!! I get to be a gentleman today, Mommy!" "You do?" "Yelp! And you know what gentlemen do, Mommy?" "No, what Reid?" "They get married!" "Are you going to get married?" "No Mommy, I want to stay with you!" I'm sure he'll change his mind on this one in the future, but for now, it's heart warming.

I mean, can we say HANDSOME???

Seriously Mom, if you have to take one more picture, then at least let me make it a silly one!

The Long Awaited Day....

All suited up and ready to play! Cole is on the left and Reid is on the right for those of you that can't tell them apart in this picture.
This is Cole kicking the ball
This is Reid making a goal!
This is what Ella did the whole time. She thought that she was big stuff dragging the ball all over the soccer fields.

Well...the long awaited day for Cole finally arrived yesterday! His very first soccer practice! Oh, the excitment that was in our house just can't be put into words. He couldn't wait till after his nap when he got to put on his soccer gear and go practice with his team. His Daddy is his coach!

He is one of the youngest on the team if not the youngest. He was a little shy, but was ready to kick the ball in the goal at anytime it was his turn. I think that he will get faster and more aggressive as the year goes on. I'm so excited for his first game.

Reid was excited too to practice...however, we got his practice time/date wrong. Oh me...poor Reid. He was a bit disappointed. But we let the boys practice together for a bit before we left to make up for it. We'll be on track for next week.

We'll keep you posted on their season!

Struggles and Peace....

Have you ever had days when you woke up early to be sure that you spent your first few moments with God, just to find that your day was more challenging instead of more peaceful? You found yourself angrier at your children, instead of more loving? You found that you were more resentful of your husband, instead of more respectful and honoring?

I seem to have had this almost every day this week (till today). Why is this? My best guess for me is that my family is under attack (spiritual attack that is). I also think that there are times that I spend my quiet time praying for others (family, friends) and not really praying about my own heart! I think that I have had a great time with the Lord just to find that my day is not centered on Him at all.

I just thought that I would share that we must really pray for our own hearts daily. It's just amazing how our hearts need daily prayer coverage.

I highly advise having a prayer partner as well. I met with mine this morning and what a difference that made for me. She just prayed over me, my family, and most of all, my heart! Knowing that someone loves you enough to pray for you is something that's invaluable as a friend. Know that I love you dearly (prayer partner) and am so thankful for you, your friendship, and your love. You are deep in my soul and my heart!!

My biggest struggle this week has been really submitting to my husband. I know, for those of you that know me, you aren't surprised! ;-) Seriously though. I feel like Bry and I have got in this rut of resenting things about each other and I hate that. The thing is, I really, truly, and deeply love him. I can't imagine my life without him (and I mean that from the bottom of my heart). I know that I have this deep, passionate love for him as I pray almost daily for God to put that in my heart--and He has. But, I still do at times really resent things about him. What God has taught me this week is that I have to let go of some things that I know will enhance our relationship. I have to mention one of them as most of my friends know this has been a struggle for us...but it is our housecleaning. It's something I LOVE LOVE LOVE as I am very particular in wanting the house clean, but can't seem to keep up right now....but it's something that really bothers him. So, in obedience to God and not self, I am going to let it go. No more house cleaners for now anyway. It's very freeing, I must say. It lightens the battle, the resenting, and the frustration and it is replaced with peace, contentness, and love.

I do strive daily to be the Prov 31 woman. I was reading that passage again this morning and was struck by the verse that reads: "...And works with her hands in delight." I have gotten lazy in my work around our house and that's my number ONE priority in life. I am to be a BEST friend to Bry first and not to my friends first.

Tough lessons, but always great character building. I am thankful that God is faithful to me even when I'm not faithful to Him.

Monday, August 27, 2007

First Day of Preschool

So, Reid had his very first day of Preschool today. He will be going 3 days a week this year. I have to say, I'm so sad that he'll be gone 3 days a week. I seem to be having a lot of anxiety about him going to Kindergarten next year. It makes me tear up just thinking about it. I know, what's wrong with me? I'm not sure other than I am having separation anxiety. I mean seriously, where in the world did the time go? How in the world can he be 4 and a 1/2 now?

Though, I don't want to let go, he is all about going to school. He truly loves school. That's much how I was as a child. I left my poor mom in the dust my first day of Kindergarten. She cried as I was running down the sidewalk to get to class. I did wave bye to her though. So, I suppose what goes around, comes around, right?

He looked quite handsome as you can see from the pictures. And he was pretty much all smiles. He did start to get annoyed with me for taking so many pictures. But, his mom is a scrapbooking, picture freak. I'm sure one day he'll get used to it.

"Train up a child the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Prov. 22:6. I just pray that the Lord grant me the wisdom that I need to train Reid (and Cole and Ella) in Him.

Cole's First Day of Swim Lessons

Today, Cole had his very first swim lesson ever! He was so excited. He couldn't wait to drop Reid off at school and get to swim lessons. He walked into the pool area and sat down with his instructor like a champ! He has watched Reid do it so much, that he knew the drill. He even wanted to wear Reid's goggles. As you can see from the pictures, he was happy, excited, as well as so cute.

He did a great job with Mr. Devin. He would kick his legs when told and thoroughly enjoyed getting the M&Ms after each drill was completed. I'm sure that was his favorite part!

After swim lessons, he jumped in the car and proclaimed: "Mommy, I kicked my feet under the water! I was a big boy today!" So sweet.

Then in the last picture, you can see that both he and Ella were wiped out...and it was only 10:45am when this picture was taken.

The Perfect Model!

I will forever be posting cute pictures of my children I suppose! But, I mean really, how could I not.

Ella is the perfect model for her Mommy. I will get the best practice on her with the new camera. The boys will do great for awhile and then are like: "Mom, please quit taking my picture!" I'm pretty sure that Ella thinks the camera is all about her anyway. After it flashes the first time, she starts her smiling.

Though she is quite beautiful, I will always want her to know that "Beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised!" I truly do pray that her beauty will come from within.

Wiggle Wiggle....

We had quite the eventful weekend. Our dear friends, Shane/Steph were back in town for Adeline's birthday party as well as our Wiggle concert. Go ahead...make fun, but when you see how much fun your kids are having, you can't help but want to go. They really do a GREAT concert for the kiddos.

We started off with Cole and Adeline getting to play together Friday morning. They just had a ball together. They chased each other around and then would tackle each other and love on each other. They are just too cute for words. Of course Adam and Ella were excited to see each other as well. They tried their best to chase the big kids around.

After nap time, we headed to Adeline's birthday party at The Little Gym. Then it was Reid and Cole competing for our sweet Adeline. I really think that Adeline has a crush on Reid (but not to worry Ashley...he still calls you his girlfriend). As you can see from the pictures, they had a great time together.

Then on Saturday, it was our big concert that we bought tickets to like 3 months ago! What we do for our children. We arranged to have the big kids in one car (with the Dads) and then little Adam with me and Steph. Ella stayed home for this occassion. We left in plenty of time and was off to a great start...then TRAFFIC happened! Oh me oh my. When you see a sign on the freeway that says: "Expect Major traffic delays" you know you are in trouble! Let's just say, we were all getting a little stressed that we would miss the whole thing. We were about 20 minutes late, but thankfully, they had delayed the show by 10 we didn't miss that much. When we got out of the car, Reid said: "You know why we were late Mommy?" "No, why?" "Because Daddy is a TERRIBLE driver!" It just made us laugh.

Oh how we miss our friends so much. I know that God has a bigger plan....I just wish it was here in Dallas with us! ;-) We love you guys and can't wait to see you again. The boys love their Adeline.

BTW...I know that my photography needs a lot of work. The Wiggles concert threw me. I really didn't know how to get good pictures. I'm working on it though. Oh...and the ones outside with the can tell on the ones I used my flash versus the ones I didn't.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

When Friendships heal....

I can't not respond to Andrea's blog about our meeting last night at Nordstroms.

Yes, we did have an ordained meeting last night at the Estee Lauder counter at Nordstrom's. I had a couple of hours to myself last night. Bry met me at the Nail salon, took the kiddos home and I got a much needed pedicure. I love Elaine at Nailine. She's the best ever. Anyway, my original plan was to make a return at Party America and then go to Target. But as I left Party America, I thought, I really need to return some shoes at Nordstroms while I don't have the kids. And while returning the shoes, I thought, I should go look at some eye shadows because I don't know how to pick them out by myself. I need help. And to top it off, I had NO intention of going to the Estee Lauder counter. I didn't even own one piece of that makeup till last night! ;-) So, do I believe we met by mistake last night? No, I don't.
Have you ever shut down Nordstrom's? It was quite the experience. I was hoping they would pull out the wine or something and treat us like VIPs, but we aren't Jen Aniston and Courtney Cox. However, they were really sweet to us. Gina at the Estee counter was amazing. She was soooo sweet. We love her.

As we were leaving Nordstrom's, the lights were shutting off. I am sure that through the smiles, the workers were glad to see us go.

But the real conversation came in the parking lot. I believe we stood there another hour till my husband called and wondered if I was ok.

Our friendship definitely went through a major transition over the past couple of years. We had an initial dinner the other week and then we were on our bi-annual Scrapbooking retreat together. But conversation in the Nordstrom's parking lot was the most healing of all.

Feelings were shared; hearts were shared. Honesty was had; friendship was rekindled.

I am truly thankful for the times that God gives us to heal our hearts and to remember that it's all about Him and His work and what He wants to do in our lives and not about us. At times, when friendships hurt or disappoint, we make it all about us and how we feel instead of thinking about how God may be using this time in our lives to grow us spiritually and to develop new character in us.

If friendships were always easy, where would the depth be? If we never went through the hard times, what would we cherish? If we didn't have to work at love, would we really know how to love our friends? Don't be so quick to give up on friendships. If they really mean something to you, fight for it. Love hard and love deep. Trust God with the rest.

Andrea, I am thankful that we both needed makeup the same night at the same moment. I am thankful that we had our conversation. I have always loved you and always will. Yes, I was there at the beginning of your Christian walk, but you challenged me in so many ways those initial years of our friendship. Your new zeal for the Lord was so refreshing. I have loved watching you grow and have loved watching your spiritual walk. I have also loved how God has worked on me through your testimony and through your life...even if you haven't even realized it. Our God is good. To Him, we must give all credit.

Testing the new Rebel....

I just thought I would share a couple of pictures that I have taken of my children with my new camera. I still really need to learn how to use the camera and then I definitely need to learn how to really edit on the computer...thus, the photography club that starts next month! Anyway, I thought I would share one picture of each one. Can you guess which one is Cole and which is Reid??? BTW...I couldn't resist putting the silly one in there with the fingers in the nose...such a typical boy.

I am who I am....

because of God's grace. I am who I am today only because of the grace that God has shed on my life. I am not where I am or have what I have because of anything that I have done in my life. Trust you me, as Paul says in I Cor. 15, I am not worthy to be of His calling. I am not worthy to be part of His kingdom, yet He has chosen me. I will forever be humbled by this. I truly know that I want my heart to be His.

We are not defined by anything other than where our hearts are with Him. Without Christ's death, burial and resurrection, our faith is worthless. Without believing with our whole hearts that He was raised from the dead, our "religion" is useless. Without believing that God's grace has sustained us, all that we do is but in vain. We have been given a victory in Christ. With this victory, we are called to remain steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in Him.

I pray that my fellow bloggers (and blog stalkers) will give your heart wholly to Christ. We so often want a Savior, but we really don't want a Lord in our life. There is a difference my friends. We want a Savior to save us from hell, but we are too selfish and pleasure too much in our sins and in our idols to really, truly want a Lord in our life. Though it may seem to difficult to follow Christ and allow Him to be Lord in our life, the rewards are much greater than living without Him as Lord. I have lived my life both ways...I know which one is most freeing and sheds the most content. I pray that a passion runs deep in your heart for Him today and everyday.

BTW....I had to type this post almost 3 full times before I could get it to post. Everytime I would hit the "Publish Post" button, my blog would shut down and tell me there was an error. Kind of strange considering I didn't have any trouble posting my other 2-3 posts from today.

And you think she's always smiling!

I couldn't resist putting this picture out here on the blog! Everyone that meets Ella thinks that she never cries and that she's always smiling! Though she is smiling 99% of the time, she does have her moments when she doesn't get her way and she will let you know. The funny thing is that her cry makes me want to laugh because it's sooooo pitiful yet so cute! And what's funnier...I think she knows it. My oh my how she is already learning the "cry game." I mean, how can you look at that face and then not give into what she wants? As a mom, that's the hardest thing...but I am determined that I will not give in as I don't want to raise a little girl that thinks the whole world revolves around her. Now, to convince her brothers to not treat her that way is a whole other story! They completely dote on her all the time.
I pray that I am the Proverbs 31 mother to her and the boys. I pray that they do rise up one day and call me blessed (Prov 31:28).

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Photography most of you know that I have a huge passion for PICTURES! I love taking pictures, I love putting them all over my house and I usually give out tons of pictures to my friends and family of my children. Though with 3 kiddos now, I'm not as good at it! Anyway, I have decided that I spend just a ton of money on pictures throughout the year. And you know, I love taking pictures, I just don't know all the tricks. I don't really know how to edit them effectively on the computer....but that's all about to change!!!!

My girlfriend and I are starting a photography club. We will meet once a month to share ideas, tips, and techniques. I plan to get really good! Actually, I plan to get AWESOME! I have made my first investment of a Canon Rebel SLR and now plan to really learn how to use this camera to it's fullest potential. Hopefully my pictures on my blog will continue to get better and better.

If you are interested in our little club, let me know. We'd love to have you. We'll have a professional photographer come in October to share with us some tips and tricks of the trade. We will be taking classes and sharing what we learn there and we will have assignments and contests to see who takes the best pictures of the month. And I am sure that they will be posted to our blogs.

Just thought I should share, so you would know what to expect in the coming months from me!

I just have too many precious moments in my house with 3 amazing children. I don't want to keep missing them all because I don't know how to capture the moment on film.

Love to you all and happy picture taking.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Bry's 40th continued

Here are some of the pictures from last night. I wish I had the time to talk about every single person that was there last night. Those that went will never know just how much it meant to Bry that you were there. We have been far blessed by friendships in our lives, we cannot even begin to explain with the right words.

Let me just do a quick recap of the evening... We started off with Spring Creek BBQ. Having BBQ was Bry's request. It seemed to be a big hit. After much time of fellowship, we sang Happy Birthday to Bry and then had a time of sharing about him. I must say this was his least favorite part. He really doesn't like to be put on the spot....but I just knew that there were a few that wanted to share what he has meant to them. We even had a cheer in his honor! What would we do without our cheerleader friend? I really thought someone would sing to him, but I guess they chickened out.

Back to Bry. He really doesn't like being put on the spot...even though you would never guess that by his personality. One of the things that I love most about Bry is that with every person that got up and said something about Bry, he took the opp to tell an endearing story about them and compliment them in some way. Now, I know that part of his talking was that he was so nervous with all of the attention being on him, but I can promise you that he meant every single word! The cake was a big hit as well. I don't even really like chocolate cake and I couldn't put my piece down!

As people were leaving, I broke of pieces of the 5 pound Hershey bar to send home with everyone. If you know Bry well, you know that he LOVES LOVES LOVES chocolate. So, while I was in NY a few weeks ago, I found a 5 pound chocolate bar for him. Let me tell you, it was great fun carrying this on the plane! Anyway, we shared with our friends. But don't worry, I was sure to save him (and our boys) a big chunk of it! That was the first thing Bry asked me when we got in the car at the end of the night...did you save me any chocolate?

I had made Bry and album that had all of his pictures of him growing up. It was fun to watch how many would look through the album and comment on how much Reid looks just like what Bry did as a child...even the expressions on his face. And it's so true. Most of all, they act just alike.

As stated already, we dearly love our friends that we have so graciously been blessed with. Every single of you that came last night mean the world to us. And those of you that weren't able to make it, we thought about you and love you dearly too. We just couldn't be more blessed. Thank you to you all for your love and your support and most of all your prayers.

Bryan's 40th Birthday party

Last night we celebrated Bryan's BIG 40 with many friends and family. My husband is well loved by many and rightfully so I believe. He has the most servant heart I have ever seen. I have been very blessed to be married to such a man. He doesn't realize just how much he is loved at times and just how much he impacts the lives of those around him.

Here is a video clip of last night's events. Some of his dear friends shared what they loved most about Bry. Now, this was a big deal for guys to get all touchy feely!! Bry was very touched by all that was said and by all who came to his party.

May the Lord continue to bless him and keep him in His will. His grace and His mercy are on my husband.

Another blog will be coming soon with the still pictures and more details of the night.

Friday, August 17, 2007

I wanna play soccer....

I just had to put this picture of Cole out here. He has been begging to play soccer for months now. We began by telling him that he couldn't play soccer if he was in diapers. Worked like a charm. Then we had to explain that he had to turn 3 before they would let him play. Well, he turns 3 in a few short weeks. Let me tell you the excitement that he has right now. Every single day, he talks about soccer and how he's going to kick the ball and make a goal. He can't wait!!

The other day, we went and bought both of the boys soccer shoes. We had to go to a couple of stores to find shoes for Cole. Every store we walked into, he said: "Mommy, will they have my shoes here?" We finally found a store that had his size and he was thrilled. So, along with his shoes, we bought him shin guards and soccer shorts. He couldn't wait to show his Daddy!

The next morning when he saw his Daddy, he ran into the bedroom with his box of shoes. He was screaming with delight over the soccer gear. He then asked Daddy to put them on him. Daddy put his guards on, his shorts, and then his shoes. He didn't have his socks with him, but the shoes would be just fine without them for now.

He ran around the house with his gear for the next couple of hours, kicking the soccer ball up and down the hall. Finally, he came to me and said: "Mommy, my shoe hurts!" I thought oh great...we're going to have to go back to the store. However, as I took them off of his feet and looked in them, I noticed that Daddy had left the stuffed paper in the toe of the shoe. Poor little guy, he was so wanting to wear his shoes, that he allowed his foot to be cramped in there for the sake of playing soccer!

As we were leaving that morning, he begged me to wear his soccer shoes out. We came to an agreement that he couldn't wear his shoes, but he could wear his shorts and a soccer shirt. He was more than thrilled with that!

Wouldn't it be great if we were all this very excited to walk out of our house every day wearing Christ? Shouldn't we all have this zeal and passion for him that my sweet son has for soccer...a game in which he hasn't even fully played just yet? Not to mention, he was willing to wear his gear (his armor) even though it wasn't fully comfortable for him. How often do we complain about our circumstances instead of looking at them as a spiritual growth opportunity?

Do we allow our discomfort in life to prohibit us from shining our fullest for Christ?

The lessons that we can learn from our little ones.


I had to run some errands yesterday with the kiddos. It is by far their most favorite pasttime! NOT! At any rate, they do pretty well running around town with Mommy. Pretty much everywhere we go, I am asked at least 10x if the boys are twins. And it doesn't matter if they are dressed alike or completely different. I am seriously asked that all the time. Well, yesterday, we were in a store and the sales associate goes: "Are they twins or are they just brothers?" Before I had a chance to respond, Reid replies for me: "Man oh man...why does everyone always ask if we are twins? We aren't twins Mommy!" And the whole time he is shaking his head is utter disbelief! Luckily the sales associate thought it was funny.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

New York, New York

Oh many of you have asked about my NY trip that I took a few weeks ago with some old High School friends. Time has been a flyin' and I can barely keep up. I have been far busier than any normal person should be.

However, I would do you all an injustice to at least not share a few of the details from the trip.

First of all....High School was not a pleasant experience for me. I HATED HS and would never go back. So, at first the thought of going to NY with HS friends freaked me out. (No offense girls if you are reading this). God actually had to do a real work on my heart to not live under the "laws" of HS and what that brought to me at that time. God reminded me that I am who I am today because of Him...not because of anything else. My past has formed me for my today. Though I am still a work in progress, I am His. I had to let go of worrying about what I thought others may be thinking of me.

So, with that journey to NY was quite fun. I love, love, love NY. It's one of my favorite cities to go to. I love the food, Broadway, and of course the shopping. Course, my favorite thing is getting my haircut by my old hair stylist, James (he's not old). He is AMAZING!!!! If you are ever fortunate to get your hair cut by him, you would totally understand! The best part for me? I get a $200 haircut for FREE!!! Remember, everything's more expensive in NY. But, he's like top dog. He has cut Paris Hilton's hair, he's done MTV model shoots and he's been asked to go on set to Desperate Housewives this Fall (providing he has the time).

But just a couple of highlights from the trip to brag about. While I was getting my hair washed at the studio, James was cutting the hair of John David Coles, he's one of the producers from Sex and the City as well as Desparate Housewives. Now, I must admit, that I never saw Sex and the City and I have only seen a couple of episodes of Desparate Housewives. It's a good thing that he didn't quiz me. But he was super sweet. Just a good, ole' guy. It was fun talking with him.

The night before my hair appointment, we went to this awesome hole in the wall Italian restaurant (that was owned by James' friend) and we sat at the table next to Matt Dillion and Fishcher Stevens. If you don't know Fishcher, click on this link:

But the funny thing is, I called my girlfriend Robyn that night at the restaurant to tell her about Matt Dillion but I told her Matt Damon instead. She was freaking out. I was wondering why she was that excited. Matt Dillion, Matt Damon...their both famous! My mistake. My girlfriends wouldn't let me go ask him to take a picture with him...they were too embarrassed. But they weren't that embarrassed to totally stare him down on his way back from the restroom. Poor guy...he must have felt awkward with those 2 beauties starring at him!

We did tons of site seeing and more walking than I care to remember...not to mention the sweating!!

We did go to a Comedy Club in NY. I would highly recommend that you NEVER do that. What idiots we were. It was a very painful experience. One that I would love to forget, but am sure I won't be able to.

Oh yeah...and the Broadway show??? Legally Blonde. Don't laugh, if you were there, you would have totally seen it as well. It was AWESOME! We loved it.

We went to a Modern ballet in Central Park. Key NY. Seriously. It was a bunch of guys and gals dancing in their Hanes underwear. We just kept thinking that they needed to be on the "Look who we've got our Hanes on now!" commercial!

All in all, we had a good time. I did learn to love me for me and not worry about anyone else's opinions of me. I also learned that it was fun rekindling old HS friendships and that worrying about what they thought about me was me being selfish and self consumed more than anything! I always love how God works these little life lessons out in our lives.

My August Scrapbook retreat fun...

Hello everyone,

So those of you that know me, know that I am a huge scrapbooker. When I am stressed, I scrapbook. When I am feeling blue, I scrapbook. When I am happy, I scrapbook. When I am tired, I scrapbook. When I have a girl's night out, I usually scrapbook. As you can see...I LOVE to scrapbook!!! So much so, that I head up 2 retreats a year that is just for Scrapbooking. Yes, I have 32 Scrapbooking freaks like me that come with me to a Bed and Breakfast 2x a year. It's in a little town called Eustace (not too far from Canton). And the whole B&B is made just for Scrapbookers. As a matter of fact, this place is booked out for the next 10 years and I'm on the books 2x each year for all of those 10 years! Crazy, I know...but oh so fun.

Here is a video that my friend Andrea took while we were there. And who am I kidding...she actually put this on my blog for me. I hope you enjoy it. And if you decide that you don't want us to have that much fun without you again, be sure to let me know and see if we can fit you in our next retreat. It's loads of fun.

Oh...did I mention that there is a hot tub there, a pool, as well as massage therapists? Oh, and all the meals are home cooked and we don't have to clean either.

Here is my scrapbook retreat fun! See video below...enjoy!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Tag...You're it....

I have been "tagged". If you find yourself "tagged" like me, here are the rules you must follow...
The Meme Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Golly...I don't know that I can do as good as a job as Jen A. BTW...Jen, you are a great writer! I don't know that I have that many interesting facts about myself, but I'll try.
Habit 1-- I, like Jen, clean my car out the minute I get all 3 kiddos out and in the house. I can't stand to have a dirty car on the inside. I mean, who needs all the extra water bottles in their car? (ok...Jeffie...couldn't help that one!)

Habit 2--I have a crazy scrapbooking habit and yes, I stay current on ALL 3 individual albums for my kids. Ok, I get behind by about a month for each one of them, but that's all. And did I mention that each of them get 2 albums each per year. I know my friends hate me for it, but I'm just sure that they are jealous!

Habit 3-- I have an obsession with my eyebrows!! I get them waxed once a month. If you ever catch me with bad eyebrows, no need to say anything to me, I'm already upset that I haven't had the chance to get them done. My favorite makeup piece is my eyebrow pencil. I mean that vain?

Habit 4-- I, again like Jen, can't leave the kitchen dirty at night before bed. I am constantly cleaning the kitchen. It drives me crazy to see my kitchen in a mess. And I can't leave clothes in the dryer at night unless it's Bry's white T-shirts. Then they tend to stay in the dryer till I have to do a new load of clothes! Poor Bry.

Habit 5-- I am a BIG clutz. I trip on everything...and I mean EVERYthing. I run into walls that have been in my house since the day we built it. I am hopeless sometimes. I even tripped and fell flat on my face when I was nine months pregnant with Reid while at work!! I drop things, spill's really pitiful! I am completely quirky. My closest friends know this about me and still tend to love me.

Habit 6--I love getting my hair cut from my hairstylist in NY. I would say that it's a bad habit to only want him to cut my hair...but I gotta tell you, my hair looks good! No, I don't fly to NY to get my hair cut, but when I'm there, he's my first call! I was just there last week, so it's fresh on my mind.

Habit 7-- I tend to get in bed late. I mean, I get in bed around 11 or midnight. So not good for those bags under the eyes. Cause I'm up at 6am.

Habit 8-- I rarely answer the phone and I'm horrible at returning calls. Sorry friends... you know that I love you. I'm great at email though. If you need me quickly...send me an email!

Habit 9--I love to dance with my kids and sing with them. And by the way...I'm a good singer with them! Not really, but they don't know any better. They think I'm the greatest mom in the world...or at least that's what I tell myself.

Did I go against the rules with doing 9 instead of 8?

I hope that you all share your deep down secrets with all of us now.