Wednesday, October 10, 2007


As most of you know, my little princess is going to be a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader for Halloween. (No worries, it's not the actual cheerleader outfit, it's kid friendly!!). Anyway, my girlfriend and I are going to dress both of our girls like the Cowboy cheerleaders and we wanted to find white cowboy boots, but we weren't willing to pay an arm and a leg for them. We searched and searched, and she finally found some!!! The first time we looked at these boots, they were $35 and I wasn't cool with that. However, she found them at this website for Darling Shoes for $2!! Yelp! That's right. You read that correctly. These adorable white cowboy boots were $2. Can you believe it? And look how cute they look with this outfit! I can't wait to dress her in her full gear. So stinkin' cute. Oh, and the boys???? Cowboy Football players!

1 comment:

Andrea "The H family" said...

Oh girl. How cute is that?!!! These pictures make me laugh out loud. That is the cutest outfit ever!! HAPPY LITTLE GIRL!