Saturday, September 6, 2008

Cole trying out his presents

I wanted to post a couple of pictures of Cole with his new gigs! He received a lot of great presents from his friends and was pretty excited about each and every one of them. He is a simple kid who only asked for candy, a party favor, and a Tarzan for his birthday. So, he was thrilled at all the fun things he got.

For one, he got this GREAT fireman costume. He put it on right away. I mean, how cute is this? We all feel safe with this little fireman in the house.

Then he posed for me with his new helmet on and on his skooter! Don't you just want to eat this little man up????

We will still have a little family celebration with Cole on his actual birthday and he will get his present from Mommy and Daddy! He doesn't know this. He's our sweet boy and we are so proud to have the honor to celebrate his 4 little yrs of life this weekend.


Pilates Works 4 Life said...

Great pix!!! Love that guy in them!!! Watch out for the gals after him! Happy B/D, Cole.

Andrea "The H family" said...

Happy birthday big boy!! You're getting too big mister! Love the pics honey. He's so precious!