Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

I just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year! I am sure that so many of you are busy today catching up on the lack of sleep from last night (I know that I am). We didn't get to bed until 3am. We had some friends over and we all stayed up talking. What were we thinking? We are all old and have kids that were up at the crack of dawn this morning. I am sure that we are all paying for it today.

I was going to share my New Year's resolutions!!

I vow to work out at the gym 3-4x a week--that is if it doesn't interfere with my social life or my sleep
I vow to eat healthier--that is if I'm not somewhere where they serve yummy food!! I mean healthy=no flavor!
I vow to take my vitamins everyday--that is if I remember!
I vow to keep my house clean all the time--when I have the energy to constantly clean, never resting because with 3 kids the more I clean, the more they mess things up.
I vow to lose weight--that is if I can keep the above resolutions!
I vow to spend more time with family--oh wait...I do that already
I vow to read more books and learn something new--that is, if I don't fall asleep while reading them before bed
I vow to get organized--that is if I can figure out where to start
I vow to quit smoking and drinking--just kidding yah...I don't do either! Just wanted to see if you were paying attention.

These have been listed as the top New Year's resolutions along with getting out of debt.

If you make resolutions and actually keep them, please let us all know how you do it! ;-)

I hope you have a wonderful new year!!!


Mandy said...

Happy New Year, sweet friend!

Krista said...

I love your resolutions. I second all of them. Need to work out - no time. Need to eat better - no time. Need to clean more - no time. I spend it all with my kids! Oh, well. There will be a season for that. They are only little once and need us now. One day, they will be grown and we will have plenty of time for our stuff. It's hard to see that right now when they are so demanding. But, wonderful!!!!!!