Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Update on my cousin and their baby

I just wanted to update you all on my cousin Eric and his wife Leslie. They went to the doctor this morning and there was no heartbeat for the baby. They are going to have to do a DNC on her. Please pray for this family. As I said in an earlier post, this was their first baby. Leslie was 4 month pregnant, they found out they were having a little girl and they named her Katie.

Please say a prayer for them as you read this. I can only imagine the pain that they are feeling. I know that God is in total control and that He has a sovereign will and plan over this whole situation and I also know that He will ultimately glorified through this. At times like this, you have to believe this with your whole heart.

Eric and Leslie...we love you and are praying continually for you both.


Andrea "The H family" said...

My heart breaks for them.
Praying for their hearts.

Kim Nielsen said...

I have personally been there and it is the most crushing heart break I have ever experienced. But God showed me His Glory through the process. I will keep them in my prayers. My friend sent me an angel the day my baby was suppose to be born and it meant so much to me. It signified she wasn't forgotten.