Friday, September 7, 2007

Funny Story...

I just had to share this story from this morning.

I dropped Reid off at school and decided that I needed to work out because I had only been to the YMCA once this week. I get there and get on the Cross Trainer. As I was about 10 minutes into my workout, this older man got on the one beside me. I swear he was about 60+ and had a definite pot belly. His socks were pulled up to his knees. Get the picture! I smiled thinking how great it was that he was exercising.

Next thing I know, he's going faster than me on the cross trainer. Well, I couldn't be shown up by someone that was 2x my age, let alone having a few more pounds on him than me. Let's just say that when I was done, I was the most sweaty that I have ever been at the gym. Man, he needs to work out next to me more often. Kept me challenged for sure. I'm so competitive. But it made me laugh that I was racing a 60+ yr old man. I mean seriously.....

1 comment:

Andrea "The H family" said...

GIRL! What are you doing racing against that 60yr old man??! LOL!
Would it be wrong to update you on my life via commenting since we are having such huge email issues??!! MY LORDY! I'm awaiting J to call me tomorrow so I can fix that this problem!