Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Mother and Daughter

I had to share this picture of me and my sweet Ella from the beach. I couldn't get the boys to take a picture with me. Total bummer, but that's ok...maybe next time.

Ella loves her mommy so much. She is always glad to sit with me and cuddle and just be with me no matter what I am doing. I honestly love that with all my heart! I try to enjoy every moment of it as I know one day she may not want to be next to me!

I also had to share a sweet moment of Ella with her Daddy! He just adores her and she is the apple of his eye. She loves her Daddy too. She is always excited to see him. I pray they have this sweet look for each other for the rest of their lives.

I have to share a quick story about Ella. I went to visit a friend last week with Ella. On the trip, she was watching her Baby Faith movies. If you don't have these for your toddler, you must get them, they are awesome! Anyway, throughout the entire video, it says "God loves you!" She started repeating it every time they said it. The video would say: "God loves you." And Ella would say: "God wuves ewe!" It was priceless. I have to admit, it brought tears to my eyes!

Last night before she went to bed, she was saying good night to Cole and she told him that God loves him. He simply replied: "I know Ella!" It was too sweet. He just had that child like faith that he knew God loved him. Oh to keep that child like faith for the rest of his life.


Pilates Works 4 Life said...

Awesome pics! You will always be in your heart even though she may be 1000's of miles away!

Pilates Works 4 Life said...

Gee, I think I need to go back to sleep. While you will always be in your own heart, clearly I meant you will always be in HER heart.

The Waters Family said...

Amazing moments captured in these photos-- I love the non-questioning faith of children-- They just know don't they!

Charles e. Whisnant said...

Now I know your secret, you have become a professional photographer, and you know they know how to take good pictures that we humans don't know how to take. Right?

Uncle Charles