Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sweet prayers

I have so much that I need to blog and just haven't seemed to find the time. As you all know, I have been very busy setting up my photography business that I have let my blogging go down the drain! But on a good note....I did a wedding over the weekend with 2 of my girlfriends! It was a BLAST! I LOVE weddings. It was so fun. Our sweet Bride sent us an email on Monday complimenting how much they loved us and how much fun we brought to her party. Such a huge compliment...esp since it was our very first wedding. It was a rush. I hope to do it again!

But that's not the purpose of this blog entry. I had to share a sweet moment with my sweet daughter.

Every night before I put her to bed, I pray with her. I hold her tight and we hold hands and I pray over her, her life, her salvation, and her little heart! Every night, she will gladly hold my hand and usually will bow her head and close her little eyes. Over the past month, she started saying Amen when I say Amen! I love it.

But nothing compares to what transpired Monday night. We did our usual routine...BUT this time as I said: "Thank you for Ella and...." and about that time, Ella goes: "and for Cole Cole, Reid, and Emmie. Amen!" Folks, she said her very first prayer! Of course, it brought tears to my eyes. I couldn't help it! My heart just melted.

BTW...Emmie is her little friend Emily. Her very first best friend!

And then she gave me her BIG oh routine hug and sugars! I say night night...she repeats. Then the other best part? I say: "love you!" And yes, she repeats. There is just nothing like it...nothing.

My three kiddos are truly God's greatest blessings!


Shelley said...

Gotta love those sweet "mommy moments!"

Glad the weekend went well, anxious to see the shots you gals got. Please share.

Andrea "The H family" said...

Oh girl--the sweetest blessing of all I'm telling ya! Get that on recorder!! Your a rocking photoggy!

jen armstrong said...

mmm...i know your heart was dancing. i love it!

Pilates Works 4 Life said...

Your prayers began early as well. And your salvation at 3! God is good, and I know Ella will mirror the Lord in all she does.
love to you all, mom