Thursday, February 21, 2008

Update on my writing

I have had many of you email me to ask me what is the latest with my writing. I thought I would just put a brief update on my blog for all to read.

In the Christian publishing industry, nothing moves fast. It is a really long process as each publisher will read your manuscript to ensure that they are only publishing things that align with their theology and morals. It is actually neat to know that if you are published by certain Christian publishers, your work is already deemed reputable because of this.

With that said, I'm actually not quite to that stage just yet. I have been working with a writing coach and editor on my Romans manuscript. I received my first Unit back from her a few weeks ago to find that there were quite a few grammar and formatting things that I needed to correct. No surprise there. But, she did send me an email that really encouraged me. She expressed in her email that she did feel that there was a need on the market for my study. She loved the fact that the study forces the reader/student to dig a bit deeper into the Scripture and start thinking for themselves. She felt as though it wasn't a study that told the reader what to think.

I have been taking a theology class from Reclaiming the Mind and last week, we studied about the various forms of theology that have saturated our postmodern culture.

RC Sproul stated: "We live in what may be the most anti-intellectual period in the history of Western civilization...We must have passion--indeed hearts on fire for the things of God. But that passion must resist with intensity the anti-intellectual spirit of the world."

The more I learn, the more I know in my heart that we, as Christians, need to understand why we believe what we believe. We need to not just base our beliefs on what our pastor preaches, what our parents told us growing up, or what authors of books or Bible studies tell us. We need to understand why we believe what we believe. We need to wake up our brains and embrace the Word of God so that we can incorporate the Holy Spirit into every area of our lives.

I really say all this to say that her email to me was quite encouraging as I have this deep passion in me to move forward in reaching as many as I can on some level to challenge them to dig deeper into Scripture and not let others tell them what or how to think.

My next step will be to clean up my manuscript with the advice she has lent me and then work on submitting to the various Christian publishers. I don't know where this will go, but God does. At least now, I can say that I have done my part and I have learned a WHOLE lot in the process. God has been faithful. Thanks for all the prayers and support and the patience!

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