Thursday, July 19, 2007


I was reading in my Today's Christian Woman's magazine this afternoon about a woman who has a beach ministry. Her theme is a starfish. If a starfish is broken, it can be healed or put back together when thrown into the ocean. She equates her own life to the starfish. When she was broken and needed healing in her life, she was "fixed" when she threw herself into God's Word. He made her whole again, just as the starfish is made whole when put back into the ocean.

I loved how she made this analogy as I know in my own life I have been broken many times and have needed God when noone else was around, when noone else could come close to knowing how to help me or what to say. I have been the starfish on too many occasions in my life to even begin to count. I just can't tell you how thankful that I am that God loves me that much. I'm not perfect...far from it as a matter of fact, but I know that each day I am loved by God.

I truly have learned over my life to rest in His grace and in His love. I have learned to look in the mirror and say that "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." I know that I am special to Him. I pray that I can only but influence every woman I meet to be able to say the same thing about themself in the mirror. We are loved far more than we could ever imagine.

My goal in life? That the "Lord direct my heart into God's love and Christ's perseverance." II Thess 3:5


Andrea "The H family" said...

Beautiful. You are blogging my friend. Thank God.
Hugs and many more to come. Thanks honey,

Jenibug7 said...

I LOVE reading your site, so you have been "Tagged", my Friend! See my blog..