Sunday, November 2, 2008


Thought I would post a pic of our kiddos from Halloween. I am not personally a big fan of Halloween, but the kids love dressing up! We went to Reid's BFF friends house for a party and then went trick or treating! The kids had a great time! Now, we have enough candy to last us for about another year. YIPPEE!

I wish you could see in these pics that Ella's wings sparkled. Literally, they lit up and lights flashed on and off all night. It was a great way to keep up with her at Trick or Treat time! This was her first experience with trick or treating. She was determined to walk the whole time by herself even though she was in a complete daze about half way through. She ran her little legs off to keep up with her brothers and her friends.


StephenThomas said...

Reid's outfit is so legit sister! He looks like Bruce Wayne in the flesh!!!

& Cole, well...let's just say he is my favorite Power Ranger ever!!! I loved the white one!!!

Ella...what can you say??? She is so cute it's hard to believe! She fits the part of tinkerbell just perfect!!!

I wish I could've gone with them!!!

Next time I'm down, you'll have to get Reid to put the Batman outfit on for me!!! He's my favorite superhero!

Love & Miss you & bryan & the kiddos!

April Williams said...

Cole was actually batman and Reid was the power ranger!!

Andrea "The H family" said...

Great pics! Again..Ella's outfit takes the cake. Should have gotten video on those sparkling light wings!
The boys looked great! Sounds like it was a blast for them.