Thursday, August 2, 2007

Tag...You're it....

I have been "tagged". If you find yourself "tagged" like me, here are the rules you must follow...
The Meme Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Golly...I don't know that I can do as good as a job as Jen A. BTW...Jen, you are a great writer! I don't know that I have that many interesting facts about myself, but I'll try.
Habit 1-- I, like Jen, clean my car out the minute I get all 3 kiddos out and in the house. I can't stand to have a dirty car on the inside. I mean, who needs all the extra water bottles in their car? (ok...Jeffie...couldn't help that one!)

Habit 2--I have a crazy scrapbooking habit and yes, I stay current on ALL 3 individual albums for my kids. Ok, I get behind by about a month for each one of them, but that's all. And did I mention that each of them get 2 albums each per year. I know my friends hate me for it, but I'm just sure that they are jealous!

Habit 3-- I have an obsession with my eyebrows!! I get them waxed once a month. If you ever catch me with bad eyebrows, no need to say anything to me, I'm already upset that I haven't had the chance to get them done. My favorite makeup piece is my eyebrow pencil. I mean that vain?

Habit 4-- I, again like Jen, can't leave the kitchen dirty at night before bed. I am constantly cleaning the kitchen. It drives me crazy to see my kitchen in a mess. And I can't leave clothes in the dryer at night unless it's Bry's white T-shirts. Then they tend to stay in the dryer till I have to do a new load of clothes! Poor Bry.

Habit 5-- I am a BIG clutz. I trip on everything...and I mean EVERYthing. I run into walls that have been in my house since the day we built it. I am hopeless sometimes. I even tripped and fell flat on my face when I was nine months pregnant with Reid while at work!! I drop things, spill's really pitiful! I am completely quirky. My closest friends know this about me and still tend to love me.

Habit 6--I love getting my hair cut from my hairstylist in NY. I would say that it's a bad habit to only want him to cut my hair...but I gotta tell you, my hair looks good! No, I don't fly to NY to get my hair cut, but when I'm there, he's my first call! I was just there last week, so it's fresh on my mind.

Habit 7-- I tend to get in bed late. I mean, I get in bed around 11 or midnight. So not good for those bags under the eyes. Cause I'm up at 6am.

Habit 8-- I rarely answer the phone and I'm horrible at returning calls. Sorry friends... you know that I love you. I'm great at email though. If you need me quickly...send me an email!

Habit 9--I love to dance with my kids and sing with them. And by the way...I'm a good singer with them! Not really, but they don't know any better. They think I'm the greatest mom in the world...or at least that's what I tell myself.

Did I go against the rules with doing 9 instead of 8?

I hope that you all share your deep down secrets with all of us now.


Jeffie said...

Um . . . If I could just have ONE of your habits, I feel like I'd be on the road to success! I'll post my 8 tonight and you'll see what I mean :) Love you friend!!

Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

love it and makes me miss you!!

I apparently tagged everyone too late :)